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A Growing Trend

in Women's Health

Cosmetic gynecology is a growing branch of women’s health. It is exactly what it sounds like – the art of surgically repairing, restoring or altering gynecologic anatomical structures in a cosmetic manner. External alterations are done electively for patients who desire to have their anatomy changed for various reasons.


Some women seek visual improvement to either restore a youthful appearance, gain symmetry or repair changes occurring after pregnancy and childbirth. Others seem to find that excess tissue interferes with certain activities, such as sports, dancing and intercourse. Even fashion can be a point of concern. Today’s clothing trends can accentuate or create unsightly bulges that the patient may find displeasing.


​Internal alterations involve the pelvic, vaginal and perineal musculature.  Through pregnancy and childbirth or even aging, the pelvic floor, vaginal walls and perineal body become lax and lose their tone. This can be disturbing during intimate relations, secondary to loss of friction and sensation, and can therefore lessen sexual satisfaction.


These types of procedures are commonly referred to as “Mommy Makeovers,” “Vaginal Rejuvenation” or “Designer Vaginas.” Whatever term is used the most important factor is the patient. The common thread being, patients are self-conscious or dissatisfied with a certain part of their body.

Vaginal Rejuvenation



Before you begin navigating through this site, its important to know what procedure you are looking for. Depending on your need, there are three common procedures performed to the vulva.


For women that experience discomfort when wearing tight pants or exercising or feel embarassment about the size of their labia, labiaplasty surgery  (also known as labia minora reduction) is the right procedure. The labia majora can also be reduced or augmented.


After childbirth, or as women age, their vagina can become, in popular terms, "loose." Vaginoplasty is a growing trend in women's health, also known as "vaginal rejuevination." The procedure tightens the vagina and improves the sexual experience for both men and women..


Also known as "clitoral unhooding," Hoodectomy helps to reduce excess tissue in order to prevent asymmetry after standard wedge labia-plasty.Some women that have decreased sensitivity due to extra skin surrounding their clitoris may also benefit from unhooding.

Novela Cosmetic Gynecology

Novela Cosmetic Gynecology is a practice created by two of Palm Beach County’s premiere OB/GYNs. Dr. Ingrid Isdith and Dr. Seth Herbst are board-certified members of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and have been in private practice for over 30 combined years.


Since gynecological issues are so personal and intimate, there has been a reluctance to discuss them. Therefore, many women have suffered from gynecological displeasure alone or thought they could not do anything about it. Through the years, both Dr. Isdith and Dr. Herbst, have had patients voicing their concerns, usually timidly and with some degree of embarrassment. This prompted the founding of Novela Cosmetic Gynecology.


Novela is a gynecologic practice dedicated to consulting, evaluating and treating patients with these types of concerns. With a certified operating room, professional staff and specialty training revolving around this delicate anatomical site, the doctors perform procedures to achieve cosmetically pleasing results with the highest knowledge of structure and function of the area.

A Growing Trend in Women's Health

We are a gynecologic practice dedicated to consulting, evaluating and treating patients with these types of concerns.  With a certified operating room, professional staff and specialty training revolving around this delicate anatomical site, the doctors perform procedures to achieve cosmetically pleasing results with the highest knowledge of structure and function of the area.

Menopausal Sexual Dysfunction

(MonaLisa Touch Laser)

Bioidentical Hormone Testing

and Replacement


Facial Aesthetics


Chemical Peels

Bladder Dysfunction due to Menopause

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Cancer Screening

PMS/PMDD Treatment

STD Testing

We offer private and confidential general gynecological services as well. If you would like to learn more about the services offered at Novela, please call our office at (561) 529-9111 today to schedule a consultation, or fill out the form on the contact page and one of our trusted staff members will reach out to you promptly.


Novela Cosmetic Gynecology

Dr. Ingrid Isdith and Dr. Seth Herbst

Board-certified members of the American

College of Obstetrics and Gynecology


1395 S. State Road 7, Suite 450

Wellington, FL 33414


(561) 529-9111

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