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Do you often wish your sexual life was healthier? Have you ever worried about urinary incontinence? Have factors such as aging, menopause, or childbirth caused a change in sexual confidence? We offer a wealth of experience in cosmetic gynecology and provides the O shot procedure for women, helping them find their sexual confidence through non-invasive Vaginal Rejuvenation.


The O Shot® is an all-natural, painless non-surgical procedure that can rejuvenate and revitalize vaginal and clitoral function, giving you dramatically improved sensitivity and significantly enhance your sex life.

Many women lose urine while coughing, laughing, sneezing or exercising. It can be an embarrassing and frustrating problem. Because the O Shot procedure offers rejuvenating capabilities, there is help available without the need for invasive surgery.



The O Shot® is an in office procedure that uses a centrifuge and special method, isolating platelet rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood. Then, using a very tiny needle, the PRP is injected back into the clitoris and upper vagina into the area most important for the sexual response, the O-spot.


Contact Us About The O Shot Today!


The entire process is painless, takes less than 30 minutes and in some patients, the results are immediate. The O Shot procedure for incontinence and sensitivity is a revolutionary approach to restoring the sensations patients may have lost.


Call now to schedule your initial visit and discuss more about the O Shot injection today at 561-529-9111.

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